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Monotelo Speaks To The Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin

Monotelo Advisors spoke at (PFFW) Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin's bi-annual meeting held in February at the Hilton City Center Hotel in Milwaukee, WI.

Monotelo was invited to speak because of their unique knowledge of the firefighting profession and how they apply that knowledge to help firefighters retain a higher percentage of their income. "We find that career firefighters are overpaying anywhere from a few hundred dollars per year to over one thousand dollars per year on their tax bill" - shared Jim Allen, Director of Monotelo Advisors. 

In their presentation to the PFFW, Monotelo offered a no-obligation 
"Look-back'' for IAFF local members. The "Look-back'' starts with a brief discussion to review job related expenses. Monotelo then compares the expenses identified in the discussion with the expenses that were used on the prior tax returns. When there is a meaningful difference between the two, Monotelo will 

"We find that career firefighters are overpaying anywhere from a few hundred dollars per year to over one thousand dollars per year on their tax bill"

correct the past three years and recover money that was left on the table.

About the PFFW - The Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin represents 60 locals with over 4,000 career firefighters across the state of Wisconsin. "Every two years we bring in key leaders from around the state, elected officials, and companies like Monotelo that we believe can help our members. I am very particular as to who I let speak to our guys, and Monotelo did a great job," said Mahlon Mitchell, president of the PFFW.


"My local affiliation is IAFF Firefighters Local 311," explained Mitchell. "We invited Monotelo to come meet with our members. We had a full day filled with our members coming in to have Monotelo review their past returns and prepare their current year's return. I've heard nothing but good things; so we're really appreciative of what they did for us."


In addition to Local 311, Monotelo has had the opportunity to impact the entire state of Wisconsin using technology. Coming into local meetings via the web, Monotelo offered guidance, answered questions and gave local members the opportunity to recover some of their hard-earned money.


For questions about how Monotelo can help your local, contact Jim Allen at


Don't pay the federal government more tax than the law requires. Call Monotelo today for a 
tax review designed to minimize your tax bill and maximize your take home pay.
MONOTELO.COM | 800.961.0298
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